Managing Conflict Productively Workshop
The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument establishes 5 basic modes for handling conflict. Using this model, we have developed a workshop that examines the conflict modes participants rely on and teaches how, when necessary, to employ other modes. The result is a strategic approach to conflict that benefits a resolution.
Workshop Objective
The goal of this workshop is to uncover participants’ favored conflict styles and expand their skill set and ability to assess what conflict mode is appropriate in each situation to reach a solution.
Who is it for
Everyone! The TKI assessment allows trainers, HR professionals and individuals to safely open a discussion about conflict, to reveal patterns, and to look at instances when one conflict mode is productive and when choosing another style would be more effective.
How does it work
After taking the TKI assessment, participants will receive a personalized analysis report. Each report graphically shows how the participant uses the five conflict-handling modes, which we will then use to expand their use of other modes when appropriate.
- Discover preferred conflict-handling style with the TKI assessment
- Recognize the conflict styles of others
- Learn how to assess conflict situations
- Practice using different conflict modes in various scenarios
We use the 5 basic modes for handling conflict provided by the Thomas Kilmann Instrument (TKI) in this workshop to highlight which modes or behaviors participants may be over-or under-using in their approach.
Program Structure
This workshop takes place in one of two ways: a 90-minute or 3-hour in-person session.
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Our Difference
Here at Cooper Consulting Group, we pride ourselves on the incredible tools, talent, and experience we bring to the table. Our reputation is best-in-class for delivering exceptional services to our clients, and we are dedicated to keeping it that way.
Impactful Tools
We invest in world-class assessments and high-quality materials to provide significant insight and maximize results.
Meaningful Experience
We engage through highly interactive and customized workshops that uncover “aha” moments leading to lasting change.
Unparalleled Expertise
Our team is highly-trained and highly educated, decorated with doctorate degrees and professional certifications that qualify them to assist your organization.
Let us help you accomplish your goals
- Team Development
- Leadership Development
- Sales Training
- Customer Service
- Change Management
- Strategic Recruiting
- Conflict Management
- Cultural Awareness