Solutions – Team Development

Team Development

Develop Highly Effective Teams

Teams are the key to every organization’s success. When teams work well together, the organization thrives, but building effective teams isn’t always simple. With the help of our experienced coaches, your teams can reach their full potential. We know each team is unique, which is why we offer a variety of workshops to meet your team’s specific needs.


Whether you need to improve communication and teamwork or increase engagement and productivity, there is a workshop that will develop your team and help you achieve your goals. 

Find Your Solution

Developing More Cohesive Teams

In this workshop, teams will learn the foundational principles for building a cohesive team and gain insight into the barriers caused by the natural tendencies each individual member brings to the team that can make effective teamwork so elusive.

Improving Team Dynamics

Whether you are bringing together a new team or strengthening a standing one, this workshop can help accelerate team building and enable team members to recognize and overcome potential blockers that could prevent them from working together effectively. 

Building a Better Workplace

Through this workshop, participants will learn and understand the unique DiSC® styles and how to engage with team members of other styles more effectively. The result is a more positive workplace where each individual’s skills and preferences are appreciated. 

Elevating Team Performance

Enhance the performance of your teams by cultivating Emotional Intelligence (EQ). With greater EQ comes increased levels of communication, leadership ability, and decision-making, all of which contribute to team effectiveness and cohesivity. 

Strengthening Teams

Create a team culture that values what each individual brings to the table. With MBTI for Teams, your team members will learn to appreciate different personality types and approach other types with greater understanding and productiveness. 

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence

When the whole team is Emotionally Intelligent, it promotes a more positive and effective culture. Utilizing Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™, we give participants the tools to properly navigate the emotional and interpersonal needs of any situation or relationship with confidence.

Strengthening Healthcare Teams

The quality of a patient’s care and overall experience is critical to the success of healthcare teams. With the use of MBTI for Healthcare Professionals, we will help healthcare workers identify and improve their care styles.

Identifying and Developing Team Talent

Employees who know their strengths are more engaged in the workplace, and more engaged employees contribute more to their team and the entire organization. Encourage and engage your teams by identifying their strengths with this workshop. 

How We Can Help

Developing More Cohesive Teams 

Transform the way your teams work with our help as we guide team members through the powerful model of The Five Behaviors®. This model combines Patrick Lencioni’s framework for teamwork with personalized insights that enable each team member to recognize and embrace their shared imperfections. This awareness ultimately establishes a strong foundation of vulnerability-based trust that leads to more cohesive teams. 

Workshop Objective:

The goal of this workshop is to provide teams with the insights necessary to to create powerful, customized, and authentic team development solutions that empower individuals to make lasting change and lead to greater team cohesivity and effectiveness.

Who is it for:

This workshop is ideal for existing teams of 3-15 members.

How does it work:

Each team member will complete The Five Behaviors assessment. After assessment, a team report will be produced, which showcases the anonymous input of each team member in aggregate form.


Team members will establish a foundation of trust and learn to channel the power of conflict, commit to shared goals, hold each other accountable, and deliver better results—together.


We utilize The Five Behaviors model, in which each team member receives a robust, personalized profile that helps drive their understanding of themselves and others.

Program Structure:

We offer a variety of customized programs from a 90-minute team-insight session with the team leader to longer programs that range from a half-day to 3 days in length. 

Tools for Continued Learning:

To help individuals and teams continue on their journey, a Progress Report from The Five Behaviors is available.

Connect With Us Today About Developing Cohesive Teams

Improving Team Dynamics

Creating and developing effective teams is crucial for the success of any organization. The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) assessment helps people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication style and behavior. Using this assessment, we provide teams with the skills necessary to enhance interpersonal effectiveness and improve team dynamics.

Workshop Objective:

Our aim is to help people improve their interpersonal communication skills and address issues and potential misunderstandings with coworkers to ultimately strengthen teams.

Who is it for:

This workshop will benefit existing teams and team leaders.

How does it work:

Each team leader will complete the FIRO assessment, which will take about 15-minutes, before discussing the results and their impact during the session.


  • Improved team communication
  • Greater understanding of other team member’s interpersonal needs 


We utilize the FIRO® assessment and Leadership profile to provide critical data on how people tend to behave toward others and how they want others to behave toward them in order to improve working relationships.

Program Structure:

This workshop takes place over the course of a half-day or full-day session. 

Tools for Continued Learning:

Post-workshop, each participant will receive a “FIRO Participating in Teams” booklet to refer back to and continue to improve.

Connect With Us About Improving Team Dynamics

Building a Better Workplace

Using the Everything DiSC® model, which assigns a DiSC “style” to each individual, we provide team members with personalized insights and actionable strategies to help them learn how to adapt to the “style” of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace. 

Workshop Objective:

The goal of this workshop is to help individuals create more productive and effective relationships at work through the appreciation of each person’s skills, preferences, and priorities.

Who is it for:

Everyone can benefit from this workshop to develop the skills necessary to work more effectively with others. 

How does it work:

Each participant will create an account on Catalyst™ where they will complete the Everything DiSC profile, which will take about 20-minutes. During the session, we will discuss the results and strategies to move forward. 


  • Discover individual DiSC style; recognize priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape workplace experience.
  • Explore other DiSC styles; understand the differences and similarities among team members.
  • Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to the organization.


We utilize Everything DiSC Workplace®, a research-validated, online assessment. Each participant receives a 20-page workplace-specific profile report to help them explore the priorities that drive them and identify key strategies—based on their individual DiSC profile—for increasing their effectiveness in working with other styles.

Program Structure:

This workshop is tailored to your unique team’s needs and can range from a brief 90-minute team-insight session to a full-day session and take place virtually or in-person.

Tools for Continued Learning:

Post-workshop participants will have continued access to the Comparison Reports, Catalyst online platform, Group Culture Report, Team View Report.

Connect With Us About Enhancing Your Workplace

Elevating Team Performance

Emotional Intelligence (EQ), is a critical skill for individuals working in teams, that unlike IQ or personality, can be developed. People who have a higher EQ experience increased communication skills, decreased stress, improved decision-making, increased leadership ability, improved well-being, and increased team performance. Through this workshop, we will develop EQ in individuals for the benefit of the entire team. 

Workshop Objective:

The goal of this workshop is to enhance an individual’s awareness of themselves and the team, and to promote productive team behaviors through a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence and how to increase one’s own EQ. 

Who is it for:

Existing teams, leaders of teams, project teams, and Human Resources professionals will all benefit from developing a higher level of Emotional Intelligence. 

How does it work:

Each participant will take an EQ assessment to uncover their current level of Emotional Intelligence. We will then guide individuals on strategies to improve. 


Participants will learn how to leverage powerful EQ strategies for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Participants will step out of this workshop with a strategy for each of these four EQ domains to improvise both individual and team performance. 


We utilize a workplace-specific Emotional Intelligence tool, EQi Workplace, as well as others depending on your unique needs to improve team performance. 

Program Structure:

This workshop varies in design based on your unique needs. We offer both 90-minute team-insight sessions and full-day sessions.

Tools for Continued Learning:

Teams will walk away with an EQ Group Report to support the strategies they learned during the workshop. 

Connect With Us About Elevating Team Performance

Strengthening Teams

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® isn’t just a personality assessment. By uncovering how various MBTI® types are expressed in work settings, it can offer insights into each team member’s unique communication and problem-solving approaches. With this information, we will guide team members to appreciate and interact with various types most effectively.

Workshop Objective:

The goal of this workshop is to help participants recognize and appreciate personality differences, explore how those differences impact work behaviors, and learn to flex one’s own personality to improve communication with other team members. 

Who is it for:

Existing teams, Project Management teams, and Matrixed teams will all benefit from this workshop.

How does it work:

Each team member will complete the MBTI® assessment via the Elevate online platform, which will take approximately 20 to 30-minutes, before attending the workshop.


Team members will gain insights into other personality styles, have a deeper appreciation of both similarities and differences, and gain tips and strategies to enhance teamwork. 


We use one of two Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tools depending on each team’s unique needs: the MBTI Interpretive Report in Organizations (IRO) or the MBTI Team Report.

Program Structure:

Depending on your team’s needs, we suggest a session from a half-day up to a two-day workshop.

Tools for Continued Learning:

Post-workshop, participants will be equipped with the MBTI Comparison Report, as well as the MBTI Application for continued help and reference.

Connect With Us About Strengthening Teams

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) enables individuals to respond to situations and the interpersonal needs of others aptly. By combining the personalized insights of DiSC® with emotional intelligence development, Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ enables individuals to meet the demands of any situation. Using this powerful tool, we will help participants discover an agile approach and feel empowered in every workplace situation. 

Workshop Objective:

Through this workshop, participants will discover their EQ strengths, recognize their EQ potential, and commit to customized strategies for building agility. 

Who is it for:

Everyone can benefit from cultivating emotional intelligence. 

How does it work:

Each participant will create an online account via Catalyst and then complete the Agile EQ assessment, which takes 20-30 minutes, before attending the workshop. 


Participants will discover the mindsets that shape their responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond their natural tendencies, and learn how to take-action to become more agile in their approach to workplace situations. The result is more effective working relationships and a more positive team culture. 


We utilize the 26-page Everything DiSC Agile EQ profile to help learners discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions in the workplace, identify opportunities for growth, and provide actionable strategies to become more agile.

Program Structure:

This workshop takes place over the course of a half-day session.

Tools for Continued Learning:

To continue on their development journey, participants will be provided with helpful reports including a Team View Report, Comparison Reports, a Group Culture Report, as well as access to the Catalyst® Online platform and a Productive Conflict DISC Team Workshop.

Connect With Us About Cultivating Emotional Intelligence

Strengthening Healthcare Teams

The style of care a patient receives can have a profound impact on their satisfaction. Through this specialized workshop we guide healthcare workers to discover how their personality type impacts the style of care they give. This awareness can expose participants to a range of other styles of care, and help them make small deliberate changes as necessary. 

Workshop Objective:

The goal of this workshop is to help healthcare teams increase the effectiveness of their communication with patients. Improving the quality of a patient’s care and overall hospital experience is critical to boosting HCAHPS® Hospital Survey rankings, leading to greater public trust, funding, and profitability. 

Who is it for:

This workshop is specially designed for healthcare professionals, medical administrative staff, nurses, and doctors. 

How does it work:

Each participant will complete the official MBTI assessment before the workshop. The confidential results will be brought to the session to be debriefed in a group setting. 


  • Participants will explore their 4-letter MBTI type during a group debrief
  • Learn how to boost team effectiveness and engagement​
  • Deliver personalized relationship-based care​
  • Transform patients to promoters


We utilize The MBTI® Report for Healthcare Professionals, which provides Myers-Briggs® insights to help participants better understand the perspective, needs, and approach to the care required by individual patients. 

Program Structure:

This workshop takes place over the course of a 3 ½-hour session.

Tools for Continued Learning:

The MBTI Application is a useful tool for continued learning that each participant will have access to. 

Connect With Us About Strengthening Healthcare Teams

Identifying And Developing Team Talent

In this workshop, our team will help employees uncover the unique talents of both themselves and their team members with CliftonStrengths. They will develop a greater appreciation for their colleagues, learn to work together more effectively, and be empowered to identify and articulate what they love to do and how they contribute to their team and organization.

Workshop Objective:

Team members will learn about each other’s greatest strengths and be able to leverage those strengths to develop the team and experience greater success.

Who is it for:

This workshop is beneficial for any leader along with their team who wants to identify and encourage talent amongst their team members.

How does it work:

Each participant will complete an assessment and receive the results immediately upon completion along with several short reports, which we will go over during the session.


  • Maximize individual performance
  • Obtain strategies to improve partnerships
  • Understand one another’s strengths, needs, and motivations


We utilize either the CliftonStrengthsFinder 34 or CliftonStrengths Top 5 to identify participants’ top strengths. 

Program Structure:

This workshop can take place either virtually or in-person and range from 90-minutes to 3-hours in length.

Connect With Us About Developing Team Talent

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